I have been sending out newsletters for four years now and previously they have all been archived on this page. I don't think anyone goes through old newsletters so I have chosen to only archive a few.
However that does not mean you cannot ask a question about anything cross stitchy or to do with felt.
I love to hear from you and hopefully I can solve your stitching problem. Don't hesitate to contact me.
Nutcrackers, tuis and gnomes
Nutcrackers, the first part of the free gnome pattern and a visit to the Felt Factory at Inglewood
Learning when we are older,
pansies and a visit to Ribbon Rose.
Design published in Just Cross Stitch
magazine, beginning to look at local
crafty shops, more of NZ map
Unpicking stitches! Cross stitch
mounted on foam balls. FaceBook
business page
Beach combing gnome and the one
who steals socks! Easter decorations
and more of the NZ Map design
Rose bush biscornu pattern, felt
leprechaun and shamrocks.
Monarch Butterfly to the framers
Handcraft Class, Forest Gnome,
uncluttering the computer and the
NZ Hawk free pattern